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STORY BY Jane Austen




Publié anonymement en décembre 1815, "Emma" est un roman de la femme de lettres anglaise Jane Austen décrivant la vie et les moeurs des jeunes femmes provinciales de la classe moyenne. "Emma" est souvent considéré le roman le plus abouti de l"écrivain.Emma vit avec son père, un vieil homme veuf et malade. Elle est belle intelligente et riche. Avec le mariage de sa gouvernante qui la quitte, Emma décide de s"occuper du mariage de nombre de ses relations. Le destin n"y est pour rien. Si les couples se font et se défont, dans le petit bourg de Highbury, c"est qu" Emma s"est improvisée entremetteuse. Sûre d"elle, elle est persuadée d"avoir les talents pour cette activité. Mais son inexpérience de l"amour et des gens, ses propres erreurs de jugement sur ses émotions amoureuses, lui valent bien des surprises et déceptions.

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Mansfield Park

Mansfield Park


"Mansfield Park" est un roman de Jane Austen paru en 1814. Ce roman est souvent considéré comme le plus expérimental de tous ses écrits et l"histoire la plus poignante. Angleterre. Portsmouth, la jeune Fanny Price, 10 ans, quitte ses parents et ses nombreux frères et soeurs car elle est prise en charge par son oncle Sir Thomas Bertram, époux fortuné de sa tante Maria. A Mansfield Park, sa nouvelle résidence, Fanny va désormais apprendre à vivre loin des siens, se familiariser avec sa nouvelle parenté : son oncle si impressionnant, sa tante Maria, si insouciante, son autre tante Norris, si méchante, et ses cousins et cousines : Tom, Edmond, Maria et Julia . L"intégration dans ce petit monde fortuné n"a d"autre but que de l"instruire, et de lui permettre une autre vie car sa propre famille a du mal à joindre les deux bouts.Les années passent, au cours desquelles Fanny trouve en Edmond plus qu"un frère : un confident irremplaçable.

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L'Abbaye de Northanger

L'Abbaye de Northanger


"L"Abbaye de Northanger" (connu aussi comme "Catherine Morland") est le premier roman de Jane Austen, même s"il n"a été publié qu"en 1818, un an après sa mort.Catherine Morland, 17 ans, influençable, sensible et crédule, aime à s"identifier aux héroïnes des romans gothiques dont elle aime à se repaître. A l"occasion d"un séjour à Bath en compagnie du couple Allen, de vieux voisins et amis de ses parents, elle fait connaissance des Thorpe et se lie d"amitié avec la jeune Isabelle Thorpe, puis rencontre un jeune clergyman, Henry Tilney (25 ans) au cours d"un bal durant lequel il se montre charmant. Tinley est bientôt rejoint à Bath par sa soeur Eléonore, et leur père, le général Tilney. Quelques semaines plus tard, Catherine est invitée par les Tilney à séjourner dans leur propriété de Northanger Abbey, ce qu"elle accepte avec un empressement non dissimulé, autant attirée par le nom de l"endroit que par les secrets qu"elle imagine y trouver.Par sa gaucherie, ses rêveries naïves et son engouement pour les vieux châteaux, Catherine Morland semble loin des modèles de vertu. Mais si cette jeune Bovary délicatement british n"a rien d"une héroïne, c"est que Jane Austen s"amuse! Et nous emporte, d"une plume malicieuse, d"un bout à l"autre du plus moderne des romans austeniens.

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Orgueil et Préjugés

Orgueil et Préjugés


"Orgueil et Préjugés" est un roman de la femme de lettres anglaise Jane Austen écrit en 1796 et publié anonymement en 1813. Il est considéré comme l"une de ses œuvres les plus significatives et est aussi la plus connue du grand public."Orgueil et Préjugés", c’est l’histoire de vice, de changement et d’amour, surtout d’amour. L’histoire se déroule pendant les guerres napoléoniennes, dans la campagne de Longbourn. Mme Bennet a cinq filles et compte bien les marier toutes, ce qui n"est pas une tâche facile dans l"Angleterre du début du XIXe siècle. Non que les demoiselles Bennett soient laides, mais elles n"ont pas de fortune. Et cinq maris riches, ce n"est pas si facile à trouver. Surtout quand les filles en questions s"en mêlent; elles qui ont des préjugés, éprouvent des sentiments, et n"agissent pas forcément toujours pour trouver "un bon parti".

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"Persuasion" est un roman publié en 1818, à titre posthume. Il raconte l’histoire d’Anne Elliot, jeune Anglaise de vingt-sept ans, qui retrouve par hasard Frederick Wenworth dont elle a refusé la demande en mariage quelques années plus tôt. À l’époque, la jeune fille s’était laissée persuadée qu’une telle union ne présentait aucun avantage. Mais aujourd’hui, Anne se rend compte qu’elle éprouve encore des sentiments pour monsieur Wenworth et elle ne sait comment réagir, d’autant plus que des soucis familiaux chamboulent sa vie jusqu’alors bien réglée.À travers ces retrouvailles dont l’issue demeure incertaine tout au long de l’ouvrage, Jane Austen aborde la position de la femme dans la société géorgienne ainsi que la vie mondaine à Bath, ville d’eau très en vogue au dix-neuvième siècle.

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Persuasion is the last completed novel by Jane Austen and was published posthumously in 1818 – curiously together with her first novel Northanger Abbey. The link to Northanger Abbey is due to the fact that the stories of both novels are set partly in Bath and deal with the superficial life of this fashionable city.The protagonist of the novel is Anne Elliot, intelligent, accomplished and attractive, but unmarried at the age of 27. When she was seven years younger she fell in love with Frederick Wentworth, a honorable but poor naval officer. Because of his poverty, her mentor, Lady Russell, persuaded her to reject his proposal of marriage. After all, Wentworth reenters Anne´s life, and Anne realizes that women never give up their feelings of love even when all hope is lost.The novel deals with persuasion as a fundamental process in human communication and shows at the same time that there might be something like ´just´ and ´unjust´ persuasion. For the contemporary (female) reader Anne´s behavior might reflect on the possibility of a more courageous, outgoing and fulfilling life. Like the other major novels by Jane Austen, Persuasion has been the subject of several dramatic adaptations for stage, television and cinema. 

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Emma is one of the famous novels by Jane Austen and was first published in 1816.Unlike most of the other female protagonists in Austen´s novels the heroine Emma Woodhouse shows no real romantic interest in men. Instead of getting involved into a relationship herself she prefers meddling in other people´s lives. She is absolutely self-satisfied, although the conclusions of her imagination and perceptions often lead her astray. But finally, it comes to her self-revelation concerning her own true affections.“I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like.” (Jane Austen)Emma is one of the best-loved and essential classics in English literature. Like Austen´s other novels it retains a fascination for modern readers, and has been adapted for several films as well as for a long list of dramatic plays. Some critics place this novel even higher than Austen´s masterpiece Pride and Prejudice. 

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Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice


Follow the young protagonist Elizabeth, in this romantic novel set in 19th century Hertfordshire, as she learns from her errors and figures out the importance of love and marriage and in a society where none of her Father"s daughters may inherit his fortune without the assistance of a marrying a man. 

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"Emma", the book that was written by English descent woman author Jane Austen when she was thirty-nine, is one of the most beloved novels of her. It is said that "Emma" was the favourite novel of herself too."Emma" was published in 1915 and since then it has always been appreciated and read by so many. In "Emma", Jane Austen who is regarded as the best English author after Shakespeare deals with tangled relationships take place in England of 19th century. Just like it is in her other books, she used an immersive writing style, though its progress slowly. "Emma" is quite predictable as for its ending, yet enjoyable; it is not a burden to read, rather very gripping.Young and beautiful Emma Woodhouse meddles in the love lives of her friends. After convincing her companion Harriet Smith to break off her engagement to a man Emma believes to be too common, a series of misunderstandings eventually teaches Emma that she doesn"t know what"s best for everyone. At the end, she finds happiness with her beloved Mr. Knightley.

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Sense and Sensibility

Sense and Sensibility


"Sense and Sensibility" is a novel by Jane Austen that was published anonymously in three volumes in 1811 and that became a classic. The satirical and comic work offers a vivid depiction of 19th-century middle-class life as it follows the romantic relationships of Elinor and Marianne Dashwood.The story pivots on two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, personifications of good sense and sensibility (emotionality), respectively. They suddenly become destitute upon the death of their father, who leaves his home, Norland Park, not to them, their younger sister, and their mother but to their stepbrother, John. Although instructed to take good care of his sisters, John is dissuaded of his duty by his greedy wife, Fanny. The family moves to a modest home in Devonshire. The passionate and enthusiastic Marianne becomes infatuated with the attractive John Willoughby, who seems to be a romantic lover but is in reality an unscrupulous fortune hunter. He deserts her for an heiress, and she eventually makes a sensible marriage with Colonel Brandon, a staid and settled bachelor. Marianne’s older sister, the prudent and discreet Elinor, is constant toward her lover, Edward Ferrars, Fanny’s older brother, and, after some distressing events, marries him...The novel had a long period of gestation. It was initially begun in 1795–96, when Austen was but 19 years old, as a sketch entitled Elinor and Marianne, and she significantly revised it 1809. It was her first published novel, she paid to have it published, and it contained all of the elements of her trademark features to come: insightful observation, astute characterization, and dazzling wit. There has long been debate whether Austen favored one quality over the other—sense or sensibility—or whether she favored an equal dose of both as the best recipe for life. 

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