

I've read so many great stories thanks to this app so I decided to share with you my own. Hope you will like them. Enjoy! 


I've read so many great stories thanks to this app so I decided to share with you my own. Hope you will like them. Enjoy! 
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STORY BY Joann Pole

Alpha's Spoiled Princess - Burgov Series VI

Alpha's Spoiled Princess - Burgov Series VI


Burgov Series book 6 Things have finally started falling in place. The Pack House started looking better, the people got used to the transition from my father to me and I can honestly say I fell into routine. But not in a bad way. I\'m probably one of the few people who actually peg this word as a blessing, not a curse. Goddess knows my life has been a windmill since I was little. It wasn\'t all bad, because the family that steadily started growling when my mother met her mate was everything for me. However, jumping between two houses wasn\'t as easy as I pretended it was. My parents weren\'t your everyday couple. Their love story wasn\'t even that, but actually a wild night when they were both too young to make sane decisions. Fuck, I didn\'t even meet my father until I was eight. But they somehow managed to make it work and I haven\'t ended up being a complete deadbeat. Okay, I have many flaws, and I\'m perfectly aware of them, but they could always be worse. And now, with things finally sailing smoothly, my life secured and settled, she comes to turn everything around. I\'m not gonna say I was holding my breath to meet my mate. I was perfectly fine on my own. At least this way, no drama would rule my life, and anyone who has met me knows I don\'t do well with changes and chaos. But her… I can\'t lie that the few years I haven\'t seen her were generous to her, but it still doesn\'t change the fact that she\'s basically family. Okay, okay, not by blood, but in every other sense of the word. And if that wasn\'t bad, she\'s probably one of the few people who has always annoyed me to no end with her princess attitude and throwing Daddy\'s money at every little problem. I\'m a simple guy, more than fine with pizza night, when one look at her is all it takes to know that she doesn\'t go below five-star restaurants. Not to mention that if things go south, it won\'t be the problem of two people, but it could actually spoil my world as I know it, starting once again the drama I so dread. But then again, it can also happen if things go well. Either way, I\'m fucked. Join Sean and Cilia in the wild ride of their love story.

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My Jolly Alpha - Burgov Series V

My Jolly Alpha - Burgov Series V


They say that every werewolf feels full only after meeting the one. The promised other part of his whole. So why the fuck am I jacking off in the bathroom? Life was great. When I was a free man. And then she came into my life and turned me from perfectly content, freshly appointed Alpha into a part of a duo that feels like a beautiful shell, empty inside. With the major difference that my sexcapades looked a lot more promising before. But things aren't always easy. I saw it more than once, and heard even more about how screwed up tendrils of fate can be. So I do what every guy with even a little bit of honor would do, I suck it up and hope for better days to come. Kimmy and I are nothing alike, but so are my parents so there has to be a deeper sense in that, right? Wrong! And I found that out when another woman to whom I felt the pull walked into my living room with doe eyes that stole my breath away. But the real question is, what the hell is going on?! And I may not have many accomplishments, but I sure as hell would find that out. Join Orson in unraveling the secret behind his relationship. Is he destined to join fates with the woman being his Luna, or the one who came for an innocent visit, bringing tornado casserole for dinner. The book is part of the Burgov series, but can be read as a standalone.

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Demise of Indestructible Alpha - Burgov Series VII

Demise of Indestructible Alpha - Burgov Series VII


When a small favor to your older brother turns into one of the best nights of your life, you start to believe that there actually might be some bigger plan for you after all. Being a Golden Boy his entire life, Dean never really gave much thought to his future family life. For him, everything always seemed to just fall into place, just as if he had been born under a lucky star. His Pack was thriving, and he was well loved and respected by everyone, always surrounded by a circle of loyal friends and the best family a werewolf could be born into. In his world, nothing could go wrong. So, when one evening he met the fun firecracker, he didn't even think twice before making the night last even longer, enjoying every second of it. But you know how everything in nature is balanced? Well, a bit of karma catches up with Dean when the girl reappears in his life, taking it by a storm. It doesn't take him long to fall head over heels for this girl. But is it a wise thing to do with someone who wasn't meant to be yours? Well, karma can be a real bitch sometimes, and Dean found that out the hard way, because that's what happens when you want the one thing you can't have. Especially when you have to watch her walking away with one of your friends. Book 8 of the Burgov series

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Scorned Alpha - Burgov Series IV

Scorned Alpha - Burgov Series IV


Gammas are natural born beasts. The best equipped, the best prepared and the most valuable to each pack, at least with that belief, Ellie grew up. There wasn\'t a little girl who heard more amazing stories about heroes and heroines her bloodline came from. Growing up, she knew exactly how special she was and she knew exactly who she wanted to become in the future - her Daddy\'s successor, who would make the Harvest Moon name even more prestigious. Surrounded by strong men, who always fought for what they wanted, and even stronger women, she wasn\'t used to settling for second best or falling in line. She had a goal, and nothing could have stopped her from becoming the best Gamma this world has ever seen. But she wasn\'t expecting that the person who would mess with her perfect plan would be the one person who was supposed to complete her existence. Ellie always adores watching her parents, admiring their love and passion that hasn\'t waned for all those years, no matter how cringy it was at times. So when, on the night out, exactly on her eighteenth birthday, she met her mate, she knew that was it, the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle to complete her perfect life. But when the heat of the moment turned into a cold shower, she panicked and chose herself rather than them. She buried the memories of that night, covered all the evidence it ever happened and focused on her dream. Life went back on track, at least until the day all her dreams were supposed to become true, when the past and her scorned mate caught up to her. But that doesn\'t mean Ellie will put her gun down. That\'s not what Gammas do. Ever.

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Mother of Alpha - Burgov Series III

Mother of Alpha - Burgov Series III


Book 3 of the Burgov series. Order of reading: 1. Alpha Convict 2. His disguised Mate 3. Mother of Alpha Four years after the ordeal with Ilia and Autumn, Vanya finally had enough of waiting for his Mate, that took her sweet time, and he decides to take a chosen Mate and finally give the Harvest Moon Pack the Luna they all deserve. But you know how subversive fate can be, so once Vanya was about to go through with his plan, in the most unexpected moment he finally finds the one that was written for him in the stars. However the joy and relief can\'t overshadow an obvious few facts about his Mate. The beautiful redhead is a human and she has no idea who Vanya is for her, and she shuts down every attempt to woo her, having the worst experience with devilishly handsome guys like him. But a mere obstacle is nothing for a wolf on a mission, however the fact she didn\'t wait for him, because why would she, might be. After following a girl back home Vanya discovers that his dream woman is a mother of a seven-year-old boy and he has a bit of trouble making his peace with it. Especially when he senses that the baby daddy was a werewolf himself, and not just any wolf, but an Alpha, just like the boy is. Was he waiting all this time just to find out he was already too late?

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Thieving Magpie

Thieving Magpie


Gamila is not as easy to find as her sisters thought she would be. Throughout the centuries, she became a master in her field and that is being untraceable. She moves like a shadow, taking everything and everyone she finds desirable, and she thrives on making hers what once belonged to others. Titles, certificates of ownership, not even simple decency or women's solidarity mean a thing for her. Actually, the more something seems unreachable, the more she wants it. A beautiful home, that annoying blonde's husband, a red shiny Porsche, that one painting that would go great with her curtains, nothing is safe or sacred. It's not like she can help it, it's in her nature, and she stopped asking why she's like that a long time ago. After all, a little Magpie is nothing if not adaptable. But when driven by a challenge from a criminal underworld, she agrees to steal a ruby necklace, worth a small fortune she doesn't know her entire life would turn upside down. The shadows that she so far treated as her safe haven, would now start to hunt her, not to mention the disturbing news about being wanted by the werewolves and associated with them individuals. How will our little Magpie handle the mess she created on her own? Will she run, or will she finally understand the sense of her existence?

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Feathered Temptress

Feathered Temptress


They say women can be true chameleons. But what if it's not only a figure of speech, but your actual life? She wore many names. She lived many lives. She loved. She's been cheated on. She mourned. But the one constant for her is moving on. That's what tends to happen when the world goes forward and you stay frozen in time. Isabel has no idea who or what she is. The only thing she knows is how to adapt to changing times. For centuries she changed identities, moved across the world and reinvested her life more times than any Lady cares to admit. But year after year, the face in the mirror hasn't aged at all. Her skin is still flawless, her hair as shiny as the day she woke up not knowing who she was. But she gave up on asking all the right questions decades ago. They always stayed unanswered anyway. She learned that a beautiful girl doesn't need to work hard to have a comfortable life, no matter what period of time she finds herself in. With a little bit of her natural charm, and a small, but useful ability, she lives her perfect hedonistic life to the fullest. She doesn't look back, she's never remorseful, and why should she? Fate wasn't always kind to her. Isabel knows fully well that the only person who would always care for her is she, herself, so she uses every trick in the book to stay afloat. But what will happen when this insidious temptress meets her match? Will she be able to change for one of the many men in her life? Sounds unlikely, but not impossible. This story is the first book of the series, and it will be updated daily starting from February 1st, 2023.

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His Disguised Mate - Burgov Series II

His Disguised Mate - Burgov Series II


Book II of BURGOV SERIES (Sequel to ALPHA CONVICT) Ilia grew into the role that was assigned to him at the young age of 15. From an angry prankster and troublemaker he turned into… well, older troublemaker and a guy who grabs all the joys life has to offer. He's popular among the ladies and he's known for his partying lifestyle. He knows he only live once, and he's on the mission to squeeze his life to the fullest. To his brother and Alpha annoyance. Things start to get complicated for the young Gamma, when the one thing he didn't want stumbles into the Harvest Moon Pack, and he greatly misjudges the battered girl disguised as a boy and makes a promise to get rid of her as soon as she heals her wounds. But what a surprise it would be, when a girl who was barely alive yesterday turned out to be a firecracker that not only isn't afraid of intimidating Gamma, but calls him up on his every bullshit. However, the couple as well matched as tornado and volcano, will have to face even bigger issues than two dominant personalities, when the layers of Autie's past, she wasn't even aware of, comes to light.

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Alpha Convict - Burgov Series I

Alpha Convict - Burgov Series I


When your moral code is as unyielding as Sasha's, you believe that every crime comes with a price. No matter if you are family, friend or even her own Alpha. So what should a girl like her do, when she discovers that the man, who ought to be the role model, that protects his own, is in fact cold-blooded murderer, who didn't spare his new Mate, the Luna, that happens to be Sasha's best friend? That's easy. She makes him pay. But what will Sasha do, when she finds out that she was point-blank played and things are far from what they seem? Ha! That's when all the fun begins, because as far as Sasha is concerned, framing is also a crime. Especially if the one on the death row is her own Mate.

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We brought it all on ourselves. Political disputes, the struggle for influence and resources eventually led to a war between nations. A war in which there were no winners, but only losers. Blinded by the lust for power, we cut our legs off ourselves, not even being aware of the dangers lurking in the shadows. We were not aware that by destroying our own satellites and neutralizing enemy technologies, we would create opportunities for an attack from a side whose existence we had no idea of. Without our technological advantage, they squashed us like cockroaches standing in their way, giving us the Infinite Night. When the monsters came out of the shadows it was already too late for humans. They took everything from us, our land, rights, dignity and life. But there's one thing they could never get, and that's our will to fight. Now, twenty-seven years after the war I, Tamara Alson would give them a reason to fear and constantly look over theirs shoulders. Even if that's the last thing I will do.

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